his adoptive mother was a daughter of fujiwara no ienari . 養母は藤原家業の娘。
his adoptive mother was of the shunkoinden kyogoku clan . 養母は春光院殿京極氏の女。
in 1901 , her adoptive mother kame hamada passed away 1901年(明治34年) 養母・浜田可免死去
or i should say if my adoptive mother were home . 義理の母でも
she was " chugu " (the second consort ) of emperor nijo & the adoptive mother of emperor rokujo . 二条天皇の中宮、六条天皇の養母。
its reception hall was originally the old palace of her adoptive mother tofukumonin , which had been moved to its present place . 客殿は養母東福門院の旧御所を移築したものである。
in 1789 , at age 56 , he attended the deathbeds of his mother-in-law and his second adoptive mother at awajisho village . 1789年(寛政元年)56歳、妻の母と2番目の養母とを淡路庄村でみとった。
in the same year , mosuke lost his wife , and married again the next year , so akinari was brought up by this second adoptive mother . この年茂助は妻を喪い、翌年再婚し、彼はその第2の養母のもとで育った。
when it is summer , murasaki no ue ' s condition gets worse and young lady akashi visits her old home to see her adoptive mother . 夏になると紫の上の容態はいっそう重くなり、明石の姫君も義母の見舞いのため里帰りしてくる。
muneko , the adoptive mother of emperor rokujo , became a buddhist priest on november 17 , 1168 , after rokujo descended the throne in the same year . 六条天皇の養母である育子は、天皇退位の同年10月9日に出家した。